ABOUT kate

Kate Hanlon holds sacred spaces where people meet themselves safely, compassionately, and honestly.

Kate’s journey is shaped by a wide spectrum of professional experience.

After nearly 2 decades working in human rights and anti-corruption law in conflict and post-conflict environments, Kate witnessed the dramatic and far-reaching impact of trauma. Having worked at the macro level, Kate became interested in healing modalities for the individual experience.

Specialising in trauma, Kate’s approach is rooted in empathy, kindness, and client-led insight. This is informed by academic and professional experience in Counselling, Compassionate Inquiry, and embodied modalities to find truth and safety within. Kate subscribes to a holistic approach, having an extensive yoga and meditation background.

Coming from outside the psychotherapy field, Kate’s services are non-clinical and do not include diagnosis or treatment of psychological conditions.

Following her initiation into parenthood, Kate went into perinatal yoga and perinatal mental health. This lead her to train as a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI®) offering calm and grounded environments for families.

Kate forever has a cup of coffee in her hand (and it’s not her biggest vice).